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The power of foresight and trend intelligence to drive commercial success

Written by Emma Rackley, Director of Furniture and Home
Published on 09 Jul, 2024

It is understandable to assume that trends are ‘just part of the process’ of product development, however, we have learnt through our partnership with Scarlet Opus, how they can radically revolutionise an entire independent retail business. Take the time to invest in trends and this can quickly impact many areas of a retail business -  from product sourcing to marketing, the retail experience, inventory management and the overall customer experience.


The team at Associated Independent Stores (AIS) have teamed up with Scarlet Opus to support this trend approach, and as part of our service to our members we now help them anticipate future consumer desires, help them to stay ahead of the competition, and help deliver sustainable success. We take great pride in knowing that our member base, already brimming with the highest quality retailers, have that additional support from us -  to maintain their pre-eminence.

Our AIS Category Managers, are now armed with detailed trend analysis, using it for sourcing and supporting our independent retail members; knowing that decisions are made on a robust understanding of current and future customer preferences. Having that confidence to back decision making, especially in a tough trading period, is reassuring and motivating.

decorative furniture including vase


For me, personally, where the real step change is taking place with this information is where it helps our members understand their customers better (or in a different way). Using trends knowledge means no longer obsessing over the age of a customer but instead, focuses on consumer attitudes, values, behaviours and ‘what drives them’. This approach allows a shift in marketing as well. You can start to target audiences who share common ground, regardless of age, allowing for more relevant and impactful marketing messages based on specific needs and desires which, in the end, increases your engagement with your customers and increases the opportunity to convert into a purchase.


The in-store customer experience also has an important part to play when considering customer preferences. Customers have choices, they are more discerning and want to feel comfortable, reassured and confident they have selected not only the right product but also, they have bought it from the right people? The insight Scarlet Opus provide us and our AIS members innovative and new approaches in how to merchandise product – aligning with customer desires and behavioural trends. What retailer wouldn’t want to create an engaging shopping experience that meets the customers high expectations?

Our INDX Furniture show in August (28th – 29th) will feature a trend area, a handpicked selection of products selected by the AIS team, sourced with the knowledge and confidence that it hits the spot. Phil Pond along with the AIS team will be available at the show to answer any questions. You can register for the show here;

By being a member of AIS it gives our retailers access to this rich portfolio of insight. If you are interested in exploring what AIS can do for your business, please get in touch.

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